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Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro pdf

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 Introduction the book Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro pdf

What is a GIS?

Probably the most commonly asked question to those working in the geographic information system (GIS) field is also one of the most difficult to answer in just a few brief paragraphs: What is a GIS? A GIS is composed of five interacting parts that include hardware, software, data, procedures, and people. You are likely already familiar with the hardware—computers, smartphones, and tablets. The software consists of applications that help make maps. The data is information in the form of points, lines, and polygons that you see on a map. People, users like you, learn how to collect data using mobile devices and then make maps using the software and data on computers. As your knowledge of GIS grows, you will learn more about procedures and workflows to make maps for yourself or your organization. Decision-makers and others in an organization rely on GIS staff to maintain data and create insightful map products.
GIS has many facets. It captures, stores, and manages data. It allows you to visualize, question, analyze, and interpret the data to understand relationships, patterns, and trends. GIS can be used simply for mapping and cartography. It can be used on the web to view maps and collections of data. It can also be used to perform spatial analysis to derive information from multiple data sources. In any capacity, the results from a GIS can influence decisions. Organizations in almost every industry, no matter what size, benefit from GIS and realize its value.

A first look at ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro, the latest evolution of the Esri line of GIS software products, is a solution for today’s GIS professional. It offers 2D and 3D visualization and analysis within an intuitive, easily navigable interface. ArcGIS Pro seamlessly integrates with networks and the cloud to allow researching, developing, sharing, publishing, and collaborating on GIS projects. The desktop application is designed to be used with ArcGIS Online; for instance, maps authored in ArcGIS Pro can be published to ArcGIS Online, shared with and modified by other users, and then brought back into ArcGIS Pro. You already got an introduction to ArcGIS Online in the first chapter, so now it is time to meet the main character of this book.


To take full advantage of the 3D capabilities of ArcGIS Pro, youneed an adequate system. Complete system requirements can be found in ArcGIS Pro Online Help, under Get Started > Set up ArcGIS Pro > System requirements, at http://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/get-started/arcgis-pro-systemrequirements.htm.

The following short exercises will provide an initial overview of ArcGIS Pro. They are designed for brand-new GIS users as well as those who are familiar with other Esri mapping products. You will be introduced to the interface, get started exploring some maps, and accomplish some common GIS tasks. These tasks include looking at feature attributes, turning on labels, and modifying map contents. Then, you will work with 3D maps. This chapter will prepare you to successfully complete the GIS project scenarios presented in subsequent chapters.

Exploring geospatial relationships

The power of GIS extends far beyond exploring digital maps. You can combine datasets, enrich them with new attributes, derive statistics from them, and obtain new information based on their relationships. In this chapter, you will begin taking advantage of some of the more sophisticated capabilities offered by ArcGIS Pro.

Scenario: you have been hired by a state health coalition that is focusing its efforts on raising awareness about and lowering obesity rates in the state of Illinois. Obesity prevalence has risen dramatically throughout the state over the past decade, along with the incidence of type 2 diabetes, but the prevalence of obesity is higher in some areas than in others. You will explore obesity prevalence rates by county, create visual aids for displaying a year-over-year rising trend, and begin to explore possible reasons why some counties may have higher prevalence rates than others. For instance, is there a link between average income level and obesity levels? What about comparing obesity rates to data that shows limited access to grocery stores—are these “food deserts” more likely to have higher obesity rates?.
