التباين المكاني لوفيات الأجنة في مدينة سبها للفترة 2012 - 2020 .pdf


 التباين المكاني لوفيات الأجنة في مدينة سبها للفترة 2012 - 2020 .pdf

وفاء محمد عطية شخنوب
فاطمة إدريس محمد الطاهر
قسم الجغرافيا - كلية الآداب - جامعة سبها

Spatial variance of fetal mortality in Sebha city for the period (2012-2020)
Wafa Mohamed Atia Sakhnoub, Fatma Edres Mohamed Altaher
Geography Department, Faculty of Arts/Sebha University, Libya

 كتاب أعمال المؤتمر الجغرافي السادس عشر (دراسات بيئية في البيئات الليبية- واقع وتحديات) - الجمعية الجغرافية الليبية بالتعاون مع قسم الجغرافيا بكلية الآداب / جامعة طبرق - 1 - 2 - 3 مارس  2022م - تحرير جمعة أرحومة الجالي وسميرة محمد العياطي - المجلد الأول - منشورات جامعة طبرق - الطبعة الأولى 2022م - ص ص 437 - 459:

   Abstract This study seeks to identify the extent of the phenomenon of fetal mortality in the city of Sebha located in the southwestern part of Libya, which represents the largest population gathering in southern Libya in the time period (2012-2020 AD). The study aims to identify the volume of fetal mortality in the city, determine the spatial variation in its prevalence, and reveal the most important variables affecting it. The focus of the study revolves around what is the size and direction of fetal mortality in the city of Sebha? What are the variables affecting it? The study relied on the analytical method, based on the data collection of Sebha Central Hospital, and the questionnaire that was randomly distributed to 2.3% of the total married women (15-50 years) in the city. The study used a set of statistical methods to understand the depth and trends of the phenomenon. Such as fetal mortality and relative distribution, in addition to the correlation coefficient and chi-square test. The results show a high rate of fetal mortality in the city and its tendency to increase, and that most of the fetal deaths were males, and during the first three months of pregnancy increased by 62%. The interval between one birth and another) has a correlation and effect on the occurrence of fetal mortality in the city. keywords: Fetal mortality, spatial variance, social, economic, demographic factors.
