Towards a Mechanism of Measuring The Developmental Gap in Settlement Communities An Applied Study of Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah


 Towards a Mechanism of Measuring The Developmental Gap in Settlement Communities An Applied Study of Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah

Bulletin of the Egyptian Geographical Society , Vol., (86), 2013, pp. 1- 19:

Ashraf Aly Abdou

Abstract Developmental gap has been one of the topics with which geography had shown much concern, particularly in the last decade of the twentieth century. In this respect , three major issues are highlighted: the first one comprises the theoretical concepts, frameworks , and its constituents. The second issue involves applying measurement through specifying variables and indicators that measure the developmental gap especially in the lack of any existing indicators approved by humanities and social sciences. Second issue also stresses the degree of variance in applying objective and subjective indicators or in incorporating both. The third issue is concerned with selecting the methods of measuring that gap with an emphasis on the spatial dissimilarities of the developmental indicators This study is an attempt to monitor the methods of measuring the developmental gap in settlement communities and to introduce a new method to measure it in the light of the stability of the variables and indicators. The suggested method will be applied to Al Madinah Al- Munawarah as an important urban Arab Islamic community . Key Words : developmental gap – settlement communities – measurement –variables and indicators- cluster analysis- Relative and Equivalent Weights- Sum of Rank Index.x


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