Geomorphological Features and Primary Sedimentary Structures of the Deltaic Coastal Plain Along Burullus Lake Area, Egypt


 Primary Sedimentary Structures of the Deltaic Coastal Plain Along Burullus Lake Area, Egypt


1.F. EL-Fayoumy, A.M. GHEITH”,M.A. ABD-ALLA and N.G. Tousar
Geology Department, Faculty of Science,
Mansoura University, Egypt; and
"Faculty of Marine Science, King Abdulaziz University,
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

J.K.A.U.: Mar. Sci., Vol. 4, pp. 115-131 (1413 A.H./1993 A.D.)

ABSTRACT. The Burullus coastal area can be geomorphologically divided into: beach, backshore plain, barrier, tidal inlet and deltaic zones. It shows several landforms characteristic for marine, riverine and aeolian processes.
These include :
1. Shore landforms: represented by foreshore slop, backshore flats and sand barrier.

2. Lake landforms: represented by shallow lake or lagoon, islands. inlets and shorelines.

3. Aeolian landforms: represented by sand sheets and sand dunes.

4. Riverine landforms: represented by tnterdistributary margin deposits, these include; subaqueous and subaerial natural levees. paleochannel
