Geographic Data Science with R: Visualizingand Analyzing Environmental Change
Michael C. Wimberly
Chapman & Hall/CRC
May 2023
My intellectual growth as a scientist and my capabilities as a data analyst have benefited from the many fabulous colleagues with whom I have had the privilege to collaborate. In particular, I owe a debut of gratitude to all the students, postdocs, and research staff who have worked with me over the years. Furthermore, my development as a teacher has been strongly influenced by the many students who have taken my university courses and professional workshops. The approach to geospatial data science presented in this book represents many years of experimentation and refinement in response to their suggestions and feedback. Finally, this book would not have been possible without the unwavering support of my wonderful family. Thank you Anne, Alice, Zach, Slushie, Ivo, Sadie, and Pepper.
Mike Wimberly, Norman, OK