استراتيجية تنموية إقليمية للمناطق الثلاث في محافظة السويداء
مدن (السويداء، شهبا، صلخد)
دراسة أعدت لنيل درجة الماجستير في التخطيط والبيئة في كلية الهندسة المعمارية بجامعة دمشق
م: رنا عزيز
د.م: روالميّا
مشرف رئيسي
أستاذة مساعدة في كلية الهندسة المعمارية بجامعة دمشق
د.م: محمد يسار عابدين
مشرف مشارك
أستاذ في كلية الهندسة المعمارية بجامعة دمشق
The development strategy for the territory planning approach, and a tool to help administrative agencies in making the right decisions, to reach the community's vision of sustainable, community Dhubaih sound, integrating the land use, infrastructure and transport, with the frameworks of economic, social, environmental and institutional support systems of human life Alnfiehonzm communities identified by Mwardalbeih natural source of services, which call for joint promotion of a journey within the transition towards sustainability .. In order to better quality of life, and enhance the efficiency and competitive ability of the region, and environmental management within the planning hierarchy (local, regional, national) with the start of a new millennium of global century atheist century.
The main objective of this study is to prepare a proposed plan of development strategy for the province as a basis for development planning process for the province as part of the National Planning integrated, through study and analysis of the current situation of the province under the concept of strategic analysis which works to achieve the visions, as well as develop an investment plan and a set of development projects operate in the event of their application to achieve the development strategies proposed.
The study showed that the Territory has a number of opportunities and possibilities of economic importance at national and regional levels, as well as important tourist and cultural, as indicated by the results to the challenges and difficulties faced by the province, and the resulting decline in the level of income and high rates of unemployment and poverty, as well as the results showed study, development priorities, building consensus on the vision and development plan proposed and formulated on the basis of partnership between the stakeholders and the concerned authorities
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